Your 'It's Okay' List
Lately, I find that my body wants a slower, more gentle pace, but my brain is fighting against me
Does this ever happen to you? Where your brain and body aren't quite aligned? Right now, this tension is from me thinking that I need to get all these things checked off my list. And ideally, that would happen. But, the reality is that we can't run full steam ahead all of the time.
I've been giving myself some reassuring reminders to combat the negative self-talk that seems to be my brain's default setting.
I've been repeating these statements to myself when the overwhelming feelings start to creep back up:
It's okay to slow down for a bit.
It's okay to not be perfect.
It's okay to not overachieve.
It's okay to reserve energy for yourself.
It's okay to fill your cup, you can't help anyone on "empty."
It's okay to take an extra day to reply to emails.
It's okay to sit with your art supplies and not really "produce" anything.
It's okay to rest.
It's okay ...
Your list will look a bit different than mine, and that's okay! Before this new week starts, think about what statements might be of help to you.
It’s time … Write a list for yourself
Take some time to think about what statements might be useful to you! While you’re at it, write them down! You don’t have to share this list with anyone; this is just for you. I know this feels a bit vulnerable, but trust me - it will help.
Don’t worry, I’m not going to make you do it alone, here are a few tips that helped me→
✱ Write as if you are talking to a loved one ✱
We are so much kinder to our friends than we are to ourselves. The sad truth is that if I treated everyone else the way I often treat myself, no one would want to be around me. Let's fix that and work on it together 🥰
✱ Start general ✱
Try thinking of a few that are more general. This could be about life, trends, overall priorities, etc.
example: It's okay to slow down.
Why it's helpful for me? It's the opposite of my belief that I have to be "going" all the time to be of value.
example: It's okay to reserve energy for yourself.
Why it's helpful for me? My brain likes to tell me that I’m being selfish.
✱ Get specific ✱
No one knows you better than you. Think about some specific things that you often get hung up on. This could be behaviors or limiting beliefs.
example: It's okay to take an extra day to reply to emails/comments.
Why it's helpful for me? My battery drains very quickly with this activity. Part of making sure my cup isn't empty is choosing where to place my limited energy.
example: It's okay to to sit with your art supplies and not really "produce" anything.
Why it's helpful for me? There’s a big part of me that believes I need to make something spectacular every time I go into the studio. Oftentimes, what my body needs is to just be in my creative space and maybe fiddle with a couple of things.
Your list will continue to evolve and change.
What’s helpful for you this month may not be what you need to hear next month, and that’s also okay 🩷
I want to hear in the comments if you found this exercise helpful! And if you’re feeling brave, share an item on your list. Keep going, you got this 🫶🏼